Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Paraphrasing Apple and Nokia

Question: Write about theParaphrasingfor Apple and Nokia. Answer: Introduction The key objectives of the projected study will aim to carry out detailed analysis and discussions pertinent to several strategies and relevant policies through comparison of the situation specific to companies like Apple and Nokia to sustain their existence and pursue their dominance over the market. in this regard, Apple is considered as a reputed company that is rapidly expanding its business. Contrarily, Nokia may be recognized as a leading organization from the past decade around the year 2007 that has gradually lost its prominence owing to the entry of novel brands and organization in the cellular phone industry (Parasuraman, and Zinkhan, 2002). In order to regain its lost glory and fame in the gadget related technological industry for Nokia, numerous ways have been improvised and dealt with throughout the entire length of the study discussions. In this respect, the contributions of the strategies and policies are noteworthy to add to the value of the organization and its repute . Analysis and Discussions Regarding Strategies Followed by Apple For the sake of survival and penetration in the highly competitive market associated to consumer electronics, Apple has resorted to adopting several diverse and unique strategies. Of the strategies and policies followed by the company to be among the top names in the mobile phone and computer industry, the ones that are associated to these two industries are of particular significance. Primary emphasis is laid on the customer satisfaction through promulgation of appropriate marketing strategies, designing of the products, differentiation of products and setting of design standards. All these initiatives on the companys part pave the way for emerging as the best manufacturer of phones and personal computers (Wilkie, and Moore, 2003). Possession of a plethora of vital elements by Apple adds to the advantage for the company. The elements include a designing firm, a publishing company, a media platform, a powerhouse of software, computer manufacturer and others. Specific Strategies Followed by Apple Include: Ignorance of the Criticisms The marketing strategies as laid down by Apple refers to turning deaf ears and ignoring the criticisms that are rampant in the marketing industry, instead suggestions have been made to focus on the performance and doing the job appropriately (Leonidou, Katsikeas, and Samiee, 2002). The company has driven its agenda on accomplishing their goals of manufacturing their products as per their conception. The pivotal focus rests on the cost of production because as per the opinion of the company, the consumers are ready to pay as long as they are getting something at fulfill their purposes and demands. Thus innovation is the key to their success ad brand promotion that are carried out prior to every product launch. Designs more than Just Ordinary Attention is paid in designing the products and making them more appealing and beautiful to the customers rather than making them just ordinary. All the software components and design features attributed to the phones, personal, computers, iPads and laptops are so unique and attractive that instantly grabs the fancy of the customers and prompts them to purchase and use them across their lifestyle. A kind of pleasure is derived from buying and utilizing such products having beautiful designs (Aladwani, 2001). Undertaking measures and implementing designs that are out of the box are a constant endeavor of the company and in order to accomplish such tasks the UVP or unique value proposition method that aids in manufacturing of both unique as well as beautiful designs are put forward by the company. Consideration of the product in its entirety instead of a sole feature of the product is highlighted by the company to capture the attention of the consumers (Cova and Pace, 2006). Less Investment in Advertisement As far as the philosophy of the company is concerned, they believe that good products do not require branding, promotion or endorsements to increase their salability. Quality is the determining factor for their purchase and marketing of the goods. Rather than focusing on branding, placement of the products are given more importance in the company. Real ad economical brandings are fostered from the feedbacks by the social media content and customers. Apple chief target is to reach out to its potential audience through a natural and non-manipulated mechanism (Gummesson, 2005). The procedure to achieve this objective observes the actions from the insiders and influencers who are capable of taking the company to the target audience. Further promotion of products is carried out through utilization of free trail programs and testimonials. Simple Marketing and Simple Product As the common notion goes the more, the merrier, however this idea does not always holds true. Simplified design and limitations in turn might account for harboring the projected benefits out of a product. Rejection by the users following over burdening with technologies in a particular product often occurs because of lack of knowledge for application and increased amount of confusion due to hefty technicalities. However, Apple does not follow this trend blindly and instead make effort to allay the apprehension o the users through mitigating the hi-tech allocations and software. Simplification is also achieved through diminishing the marketing of the products. Therefore it is perceived that effective marketing is not the sole resolution for attracting the potential customers and the massage is clearly conveyed to other companies competing in similar industries (Varadarajan, 2010). Data and information provided in abundance and more than what is required may bewilder the customers and direct them in wrong ways. Customers enjoy the benefits procured from simplification measures that are adopted in course of the marketing strategy process. In keeping with this legacy, the websites for Apple are also very less captivating with limited access to information turning them simpler. Knowledge and Interaction with the Customer The stores of Apples are also simple in terms of their designs and illustrate the images of their coveted products carrying adequate information related to the product specifications and other technical details. Apple is considered as a name to reckon who value their customers and leave no stones unturned to cater to the satisfaction of their users (Binsardi, and Ekwulugo, 2003). The professionals attached to Apple are competent enough to make interaction and engage in fruitful professional communication with the potent users in a comfortable and compelling manner devoid of any confusion. The prudent and pragmatic approaches followed by the Apple staff in making the customers understand their products are don in a subtle and insightful way. They resort to explaining things like The iPods are capable of performing dual activities, one serving the basic function as a music player and the other as a storage device. The iMac meets up to the expectations pertaining to the pleasure and excitement of the customers apart from serving the purposes of a normal computer. The latest technology of iPhone launched by Apple is a seamless amalgamation of technologies to provide dual advantages specific to smart phones and Apple computers. The websites serve as a useful resource of providing synopsis and succinct information about the company and their associated products (Luo, and Bhattacharya, 2009). Endeavors for Providing Improved Services to Customers Unlike any other brand, the product version as offered by Apple is unique and distinct in its presentation. Extensive research and deeper analysis have gone onto crafting and creating these products in a manner to appeal the customers. Innovation is another pillar in their brand name where refined and updated version of the elements of the designs is utilized to prepare the devices. The company strives relentlessly to deliver optimal service for its valued customers without failing their expectations and cater to the value for money philosophy as the customers are investing their money to buy the products (Madhavaram, and Hunt, 2008). The services that are provided through the Apple stores follow a decent and humble discourse. Moreover the stores are designed in a fashion to inspire the purchase and attract the customers. Warm lights, monochromatic color schemes coupled with large windows provides enough space and aesthetics thereby enhancing the visibility of the Apple products that are kept in display in the store. Thus the company tries to provide a unique and distinctive experience to its buyers (Bloch, 2011). Building of a Community of Users and Consumers The fan followers of Apple have accentuated over the years and some of the fans are even the permanent and loyal users of this brand. The fan base is not limited to a particular place and encompasses customers spread globally. The enthusiasm and fanaticism of these customers account for novel impetus for the company (Parasuraman, and Grewal, 2000). Development of a brand personality and a respectable name falls under the aims of the company. Critical Discussions on the moves that could have been taken by Nokia to sustain their dominance in the technological industry Nokia was a prominent name in the technological industry dating back to the year 2007 accounting for about 350 million handsets. Back then, Nokia also introduced a service o music system that had the provision of downloading any sort of music. Initially Nokia tried to expand its business being an internet company, but later on shifted to being a leading mobile phone brand and since then is continuously making progress to attain its projected goal of standing as an internet company as well. As per the opinion of the Nokia owners, the only other brand that is capable of providing tough competition to the handsets brought to the market by Nokia is Apple (Verhoef et al. 2009). Other developing companies that are in competition with Apple bears the brand names of Motorola, Nokia, Sony, Samsung, Panasonic, Philips and others. Adoption of simple strategies together with the flexibility in the individual brands is the forte of Nokia. Therefore in order to continue with this sustained performance and dominance in the industry, this strategy might be helpful. However the introduction of newer brand and organizations in the market has culminated in the shrinkage and narrowing of scopes for the products. In this context, innovations and following of effective marketing strategies is considered crucial to reach to the desired level of professional excellence and satisfy the demands of the target audience. The lost glory may also thus be regained by the Nokia Company, in this manner (Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskisson, 2012). Positioning of the company is important to encounter challenges and develop effective strategies. Implementation and framing of the policies must resort to analyzing the opportunities and threats relevant to the company. For sustenance in the markets, the company might undertake mergers and acquisition. Development and manufacturing of products and services must be done in accordance with the proper grasping of innovative ad market tested ideas from the leading organizations. For future procurement of profits and revenues, the company must analyze and explore all the possible market opportunities. Company may divert their targets towards the emerging markets for phones and other gadgets. For the initial boosting of the company revenues and profits, development of software and applications may be chosen as a viable option. Cross selling of the phones manufacture by Nokia to the enterprises, business organizations and other clients may also be considered. Conclusion Post completion of the present study it may be stated that marketing strategy is the vital step that facilitates the brands to etch their names in the good book of the customers in addition to simultaneous maintenance of market name and reputation. For the sake of survival in the competition, brands like Nokia or Apple must frame effective marketing policies. Consideration of the brand image must also be made to account for providing customer satisfaction and sustaining the goodwill of the company to remain ahead of others in the competition relevant to the technology market.

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